DIY Carpet Spotting Guide

Are you overwhelmed and confused when it comes to choosing a spot removal product?

It’s no wonder!  Big box stores and the internet are chock full of thousands of products – some that may help, but many that can cause permanent damage.  It can be hard to know what to look for or even where to start!

The Household Cleaning Product Aisle in a Big Box Store

In the past, our clients have tried to remove spots & spills on their own, only to damage their carpet in the following ways:

Using The Wrong Solution

If a cleaning solution with harsh chemicals, bleach, optical brighteners or a high pH is used, the color of the carpet may be permanently changed or the carpet dye can be removed. This can leave a permanent, white, bleach spot on your carpet. Some products may even set the stain, making it impossible to remove.

After bleach was applied to pet spots on carpet, causing color loss to fibers


If a cleaning solution is over-applied or not completely rinsed from your carpet or furniture, a sticky residue can be left behind in the carpet that attracts dirt, which makes the spot worse than before.

After too much spot remover (dish soap!) was applied to spots, causing a sticky, soapy residue


In your efforts to remove a spot, you may over-wet the carpet or dry it too slowly, which causes browning or the wicking of the spot back to the surface. 

After spot removal attempted on upholstery, causing color loss as well as browning

Incorrect Procedures

Pile or yarn distortion can result by harsh scrubbing or rubbing of the carpet.

After spot removal was attempted on a rug, causing pile distortion of the natural fibers

D-I-Y Spot Removal Steps

  1.  Act quickly!

    Most carpet available today has been treated with a stain-resistant application, so many spills can be removed if immediate action is taken. The longer the delay, the higher the probability of a spill becoming a permanent stain or requiring professional cleaning. If the spot can be identified, follow the instructions in the spotting guides above.

    • Liquids: Blot with a dry, white, absorbent cloth or white (no printing) paper towels.
    • Semi-Solids: Scrape up with a rounded spoon.
    • Solids: Break up and vacuum up as much as possible when dry before applying moisture. 

  2.  Use a Safe Cleaning Solution.

    Pretest any product in an inconspicuous area to make sure the solution will not damage the fiber or the dye.  After applying several drops to the testing area, hold a white cloth on the wet area for 10 seconds.  Examine the carpet and cloth for color transfer, color change, or damage to the carpet. If a change occurs, a different cleaning solution should be selected. 

    We offer a safe general purpose spotter, Spot Pro which you can contact us to purchase.  If a general purpose spotter doesn’t remove the spot, you can check the following spotting guides for more spot specific instructions.

  3.  If you have an at-home carpet cleaning machine, rinse and extract the spot with warm water.

    If you do not, apply a small amount of the selected cleaning solution to a white cloth instead of pouring it directly on the carpet. This will help avoid over applying the product.

  4.  Blot – do NOT scrub – the area.

    Scrubbing can cause permanent pile or yarn distortion in the affected area. Work from the edges of the spill to the center to prevent the spot from spreading. Continue using the first cleaning solution as long as there is a transfer of the spill to the cloth. It is not necessary to use all of the cleaning solutions if the first solution removes the spill. Be patient! Complete removal of the spill may require repeating the same step several times.

  5.  After the spill has been completely removed, rinse the affected area thoroughly with warm water.

    Then blot with a dry cloth until all of the solution has been removed. Some cleaning solutions will cause rapid re-soiling if the solution is not completely removed. Increase airflow with a box fan or ceiling fan to dry the area as soon as possible. Don’t be anxious to turn the fan off, the carpet surface may feel dry but the base of the carpet may still be moist.

  6.  What if a light yellow or brown stain remains or a stain reappears after drying?

    Mix a solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 parts water and moisten the stain. Then cover the spot with 10-15 layers of white paper towels and weigh them down with a flat heavy object such as a cookie sheet with books on top. (Ensure heavy objects won’t be damaged by moisture or transfer color) The white vinegar is acidic will help neutralize the stain and the paper towels absorb the stain as it dries to prevent it from wicking back to the surface as a yellow or brown stain. If you see improvement, repeat this process until the stain no longer appears.

    If there is no change after using white vinegar, next try 3% hydrogen peroxide.  Apply it by heavily misting the brown or yellow spot.  Do not blot, extract or speed dry the 3% hydrogen peroxide.  As it dries over 24 -48 hours the oxygen in the peroxide may make the stain disappear.  It may need additional treatments over several days to remove it 100%.

  7.   Phone-A-Friend.  If you do not have success in removing the stain yourself, call or text the professionals at Distinctive Cleaning & Restoration at 260-250-4664 to schedule an appointment.

Compact Cleaners & Extractors

If you regularly have spots and spills at your house, we suggest that you purchase a small machine that can clean and extract the spots.  Spot removal can fail because the substance and the cleaning solution is not extracted. However, with a small extractor, you can rinse the spot with hot water and extract it for the best results.

If you are a client of Distinctive, you may qualify to rent our spotting machine for small spots or emergencies if you want to attempt removal on your own. Call us at 260-250-4664 to see if it is available.

Follow these recommendations at your own risk!  

While this information is offered in good faith and appropriate to the best of our knowledge, we accept no responsibility for claims arising from the treatments, products, or procedures suggested herein.

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