Plumbers in Fort Wayne

The first step to take during an emergency water damage is to stop the source of the water. A homeowner will typically call a plumber first.
While the homeowner is in distress from their emergency, they may not know what to do next and may be overwhelmed. As their plumber, you have an opportunity to refer a trusted, experienced company to clean up and restore the water damage. When you help your customer in this way, they will remember you and likely do business with you again.
Here’s how Distinctive can help:
- True 24/7 Response. We do not have an answering service. When you or your customer calls Distinctive during an emergency, you will be immediately connected to our owner, Alan Falls, a Master IICRC Certified Water Damage Restorer.
- Quick Response & Quick Results. Most of the restoration projects we have worked on since 2000 have been completed in one week or less. Our goal is to return our customers’ lives back to normal as soon as possible. If at all possible, we try to dry structures in place, rather than unnecessarily tear out and replace costly materials.
- Excellent Service & Relationships. We have worked with many plumbers in North Eastern Indiana since 2000. We have maintained positive relationships with all of these plumbers to restore their customers’ homes and to help prevent water damage again in the future
- Extensive Experience & Training. We have successfully restored hundreds of homes and workplaces since 2000. We have attended courses around the country on structural drying and water damage restoration. Our owner, Alan Falls, is one of only six Master IICRC Certified Water Damage Restorers in North Eastern Indiana. A Master Certification in the Cleaning & Restoration industry can only be attained by attending specific courses, passing exams with a grade of 80% or higher, and applying this knowledge in the real-world to gain experience.
- Free Education. Since 2000, we have compiled written and digital resources to help our customers prevent water damage in their homes and workplaces. You and your customers will have free access to our library of education.