
Spot Out Spot Cleaner, 8 oz.

  • $4.95 each + tax
  • Spot Out is a safe, non-hazardous, all-purpose spot remover for carpet, upholstery and clothing spots and stains.  Spot Out has a neutral pH so it will not bleach the color from your carpet or fabric fibers.  It will leave your carpet and fabric fresh and free of sticky, soil-attracting residues without the need to rinse.
  • Purchase on the day of your cleaning appointment or we can ship to you for a shipping fee
  • Get free access to our DIY Spot Removal Guide

Handi Groom – 6” Hand Held Groomer

  • $15 + tax
  • Great for straightening fringe on rugs
  • Groom carpet on steps or vehicle upholstery
  • Purchase on the day of your cleaning appointment or we can ship to you for a shipping fee

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