Allergies And Carpet – Do They Mix?

Allergies And Carpet - Do They Mix?

Fact or Myth:  People With Allergies Shouldn’t Have Carpet In Their Homes

Many people think that carpets and allergies are a bad combination. Health professionals sometimes even recommend that allergy and asthma patients remove carpet from their homes. 

According to The Carpet & Rug Institute, “not one scientific study affirms a link between the increase of allergies and asthma and the widespread use of carpet in homes. In fact, several studies not only refute a correlation, they even seem to indicate carpet may actually be beneficial to allergy sufferers.”

Their findings go on to say, “A Swedish study found that when carpet use in that country declined by 70 percent, allergies in the general population increased by 30 percent. Another study, encompassing nearly 20,000 people in 18 different countries, found reduced asthma symptoms among people with carpeted bedrooms.  Finally, a study of more than 4,600 New Jersey school children found that kids with moderate to severe asthma who had carpet in their bedrooms missed fewer school days and had less need for asthma medication.”

Joe Yarbrough of the Carpet & Rug Institute states, “One explanation could be that carpet acts like a filter, trapping allergens and keeping them out of the air so they can be removed through proper cleaning.  Effectively cleaned carpet can maintain indoor air quality, making it a viable choice for families impacted by allergies and asthma.”

Find more information on carpet and allergies and more on The CRI’s website here.

Clean For Your Health

For a healthier indoor environment, the IICRC recommends:  Have your carpet cleaned professionally at least once a year by a certified firm to ensure the use of proper extraction procedures, to make certain that the carpet is not overwetted and that the soil is not just redistributed, but removed.

Distinctive is an IICRC Certified Firm that you can trust.  Learn more about our Expert Cleaning Services that will keep your home clean and healthy here.

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Why Cleaning Your Carpet, Upholstery & Rugs Every 12-18 Months Is So Important To Reduce Allergies

Watch the video below to see all of the allergens, dust, dirt, pet hair, and more that Distinctive extracts from carpet & furnishings everyday

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